By nurturing the human-animal bond, preserving the health and wellbeing of pets alongside their owners, we empower individuals facing vulnerability. This catalyses happier, healthier lives, fostering the creation of resilient and connected communities.
Our approach is reflected in our 7 C’s core values.
- We take time to connect to our clients and patients.
- Include discussion around values, circumstances, ability and levels of commitment.
- Our service is kind, compassionate, without judgement, with support and understanding through all life stages.
- We will only be successful in maintaining the health and wellbeing of companion pets through a shared care approach with the owner.
- We rely on clear, focussed verbal communication and follow up phone calls and visits.
- We use supporting materials, both hard copy and online, where necessary.
- As human animal bond practitioners we are sensitive to the unique needs of our clients.
- Best example of this is the need to take more time to effectively communicate to elderly people . (ie. talk slower, clearer and sometimes louder; not to overload them with too much information; cross check for understanding and feedback; provide information in stages.
- The power of pets to connect people across communities.
- The role of communities to support companion pet ownership
- We serve to connect and harness the resources our community provides
- Education and support.
- Cherished Pets clients become part of a growing pet loving movement in our region which provides a sense of belonging.
- Through relationships and partnerships we can enhance our service experience and ensure premium care for our customers.